Smooth FM 91.5

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Smoothfm 91.5 is a commercial radio station based in Melbourne, Australia. The call sign of the radio is 3PTV, and the slogan of the station is "Your easy place to relax".

For those who live in Melbourne, Smooth FM 91.5 provides an easy escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The station’s non-stop music format is easy to listen to for hours on end; it’s like having your own personal DJ spinning your favorite tunes at any given moment. And because it’s Australian radio, you can be sure that you won’t hear any annoying American or British commercials interrupting your groove.
Smooth FM 91.5 also offers plenty of great conversations between hosts and guests that provide insight into current events as well as interesting topics related to lifestyle and culture in Australia. Whether you want to learn about local news or want some advice on how to maximize your weekend getaway plans – this station has got you covered!

  • Phone: 03 9425 2915
  • Address:
    smoothfm 91.5
    Level 2
    678 Victoria Street
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